Adapting and adjusting

I sit here drinking coffee in the eerily quiet house in Texas. Just a few feet away, Rico is sleeping in our bed.

It’s been quite an adventure getting here. Time flew so quickly. Work had been a non stop grind, not many days off as we worked toward our second major holiday.

When I wasn’t at work, I had been working on the house. Painting, packing, reorganizing and getting it ready to go on the market.

I had a photographer come in on Thursday and Friday morning, Trina and I loaded into the rental car, along with the cat and drove out to Texas in one shot.

The house went live at 9am and at 8pm, my realtor told me an offer came in. I looked it over and accepted it.

A process that I expected to take a least a month, took one day. As long as all my inspections turn out ok, we will be closing in early July.

It’s been so strange how things have fallen into place for my transition here.

It’s like the entire universe is finally pulling for me to be happy.

It still feels like a dream. Like I’m just here to visit and will be gone again soon.

I don’t know how long it will take to finally feel like this is home but I am so peaceful.

The first thing I did when I got “home” was take out my photographs and put them around the house. I put Franco’s flag and picture on the nightstand on my side of the bed. I put his orbs on the windowsills in the kitchen so they can be seen every day and catch the light.

This house needs a lot of work and a lot of love.

I was able to see Rico’s daughter and when she saw us, she was in shock and then came running up to me and crying. I just bent down and picked her up and held her close. We played for a few minutes and she bawled as we left her. I also cried when I got back to the house.

She is so tiny and has the biggest brown eyes.

I thought I loved her already but that sealed the deal on my heart. I was so sad that I made her upset. Rico and his ex just laughed and said she would be fine but I felt terrible.

We get her tomorrow and I look forward to playing with her and figuring out how our little family dynamic works.

I leave on Sunday again to start my road trip and take down time for me. It will be a nice break to see my family and old friends.

I have been learning more about Rico and his daily routines. It’s going to be a learning curve for us both but I am so happy.

He loves me so much and just wants to keep me happy. I just hope I have enough to give so he feels as loved as I do.

Author: firemaker1

When I lost the man that I loved, the life I knew shattered in an instant. Not only did I lose him in my life, I lost him and all the plans we had made for our future. This is my journey to learn to live again.

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