The little things

It’s been 4 years since Rico and I got together.

4 years that have gone by so quickly.

We sold his house and moved into an apartment so we could use the funds for all the little things we both had plans for.

I decided at Christmas that I wanted us to create a “Fuck It” list.

A combined list of 100 items that we would accomplish this year. Together and separately.

The items vary from small inexpensive things to traveling internationally.

We have been checking things off and it makes me feel like we aren’t wasting time. That we are making the most of our lives.

Even if it’s silly things like learn to make homemade pickles.

We have gotten into a very easy and joyful rhythm.

For a while, I was really struggling when I came back in February.

After the anniversary of Frank’s death.

I started pushing him and Naia away.

Secluding myself and not wanting to be touched or interacting with family time.

Rico recognized the signs and poured even more effort into connecting with me.

He comes home at lunch to kiss me and bring me snacks.

He makes me a cup of coffee every day.

He made a movie night on our porch with string lights and snacks after I had a long work day.

It immediately made me cry.

I’ve never been cared for like this. No one has ever done romantic gestures like this.

It brought me back to life.

I am laughing, singing and dancing again.

He is constantly reminding me how much he loves me. That he has been in love with me since we were teenagers.

I am so grateful to have him in my life.

He is such a good man and our family is thriving because of him.

I want to continue to share my life with him.

I want to grow with him and become the best versions of ourselves that we can.

I want show Naia how all the little things matter and how grateful we should be for them.

To never take them or him for granted.

He makes me want to be a better partner.

To give him as much as he gives me.

Author: firemaker1

When I lost the man that I loved, the life I knew shattered in an instant. Not only did I lose him in my life, I lost him and all the plans we had made for our future. This is my journey to learn to live again.

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